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Tenebrae: Divine Office of Holy Week DOWNLOAD EDITION

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About and our Exclusive CDs Exclusives — Including the famous Chant Compendium series

"What kind of recordings are they?"
These recordings were all done live, as opposed to in a studio. However, only the best recordings made it to these Chant albums. If the schola fumbled part of a song, or the organist slipped up, that recording hit the cutting room floor.

"Do you have Mass Propers, or any other albums available?"
We have a large archive of 1 1/2 years of chant, but a lot of it cannot be used because there were organ slip-ups, too much noise, etc. We believe most of the good recorded material has already been used in Chant Compendium volumes 1-10. was started in 2005 by Matthew McDevitt, who personally recorded everything in the "Chant Compendium" series.

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