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Chant Compendium 10 MP3 DOWNLOAD EDITION

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St. John Schola Volume 1-4 Set MP3 DOWNLOAD EDITION
St. John Schola Volume 1-4 Set MP3 DOWNLOAD EDITION

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St. John Schola Volume 1-4 Set MP3 DOWNLOAD EDITION
by St. John Schola

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Price: $19.99 $16.99

Item No. CC1520

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Not available in CD format. This product is available as a download only. 12-minute medley of St. John Schola samples now available!

Special Set price! A huge bargain on Gregorian Chant!
Contains the first 4 albums in the series, A Traditional Schola Sings Gregorian Chant. Includes live recordings of Mass propers, liturgical Chant, Christmas Matins, 2 different recordings of the Divine Office of Terce, Traditional Catholic hymns, Chanted Psalms, Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei -- as well as several complete Masses: 4th Sun. after Epiphany, Pentecost Sunday, and Christmas (Midnight) High Mass.

This set includes: Spiritus Domini, Regina Caeli, Vidi Aquam, Kyrie IX, Gloria VIII, Veni Sancte Spiritus, Panis Angelicus, Jesu Redemptor Omnium, Christus Natus Est Nobis, Timebunt Gentes, Sanctus VIII, Kyrie XI, Gloria XI, and the following motets: Pange Lingua, Ave Verum Corpus, Ave Maris Stella, Adoro Te Devote, Christus Vincit Christus Regnat, Adoramus Te Christe and much more! 4 hours of liturgical music spanning 4 CDs in one box set.

Download samples of this Schola: Samples medley from all CDs

Contains 4 albums of Chant:

Part of the traditional Matins of Christmas Eve (part of the Divine Office) in Latin. Includes anything you would need for an abridged version of Matins. 46 minutes. Download a free PDF file containing most of the lyrics!

Download Samples:
Beata Viscera (verse)
Jesu, Redemptor Omnium (hymn)
7th Lesson from Christmas Eve Matins

The volumes in this series consist of unedited, live recordings of the type of chant pieces that may be used at traditional churches and chapels.

The First Mass of Christmas "Dixit Dominus" in Latin with Gregorian chant propers, Kyriale XI "Orbis Factor", and Credo I. A Kyriale is a specific set of chant melodies for the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei (the Church has 17 different sets, which are used at different times). 46 minutes. Download a free PDF file containing most of the lyrics!

Download Samples:
Dixit Dominus (Introit)
Gloria XI (from Kyriale XI)
Tecum Principium (Gradual)
Epistle (sung)

The volumes in this series consist of unedited, live recordings of the type of chant pieces that may be used at traditional churches and chapels.

The Hour of Terce and Holy Mass for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, which has the same Proper chants as the Third, Fifth, and Sixth Sundays after Epiphany. The Hour of Terce of the Divine Office is the third Hour of the day, the one appointed to be chanted immediately before Holy Mass. The Ordinary chants here are taken from Mass VIII De angelis of the Kyriale, except for the haunting Kyrie from Mass IX Cum jubilo. 60 minutes. Download a free PDF file containing most of the lyrics.

Download samples from the CD!

Nunc Sancte
Ave Maris Stella

The Hour of Terce and Holy Mass for the Feast of Pentecost. The Hour of Terce of the Divine Office is the third hour of the day (around 9 a.m.), the one appointed to be chanted immediately before Holy Mass. Only on Pentecost is the usual hymn for this Hour, "Nunc Sancte Nobis," replaced by the solemn hymn "Veni Creator Spiritus," as Terce was the hour on which the Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles (Acts 2:15). With the exception of the "Te Deum," there is probably no other hymn so extensively used in the Church's Sacred Liturgy. The Ordinary chants for the Mass here are taken mostly from Mass IX "Cum jubilo" of the Kyriale. 65 minutes. Download a free PDF with most of the lyrics.

Download samples from the CD!

From the hour of Terce
Ave Maris Stella
Veni Sancte Spiritus

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