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Veni Sancte Spiritus
Sequence during the Mass of Pentecost

Veni, Sancte Spiritus,
et emitte caelitus
lucis tuae radium.

Veni, pater pauperum,
veni, dator munerum
veni, lumen cordium.

Consolator optime,
dulcis hospes animae,
dulce refrigerium.

In labore requies,
in aestu temperies
in fletu solatium.

O lux beatissima,
reple cordis intima
tuorum fidelium.

Sine tuo numine,
nihil est in homine,
nihil est innoxium.

Lava quod est sordidum,
riga quod est aridum,
sana quod est saucium.

Flecte quod est rigidum,
fove quod est frigidum,
rege quod est devium.

Da tuis fidelibus,
in te confidentibus,
sacrum septenarium.

Da virtutis meritum,
da salutis exitum,
da perenne gaudium, Amen, Alleluia.

Click here for an English translation.

This is a famous Catholic Gregorian chant hymn, actually the sequence for the Mass of Pentecost. This is not to be confused with another of the Church's beautiful chants, Veni Creator Spiritus, which is the Vespers hymn for Pentecost (and often sung on and around Pentecost, as well as at Confirmations and priestly Ordinations).

Veni, Sancte Spiritus, known as the Golden Sequence, is sung during Mass on Pentecost Sunday. It is commonly regarded as one of the greatest masterpieces of sacred Latin poetry ever written. Its beauty and depth have been praised by many. The hymn has been attributed to three different authors, King Robert II the Pious of France (970-1031), Pope Innocent III (1161-1216), and Stephen Langton (d 1228), Archbishop of Canterbury, of which the last is most likely the author.

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