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Gregorian Chant CDs and Traditional Catholic Books!

Salve Festa Dies

1. Salve festa dies toto venerabilis aevo
Qua Deus infernum vicit et astra tenet
2. Ecce renascentis testatur gratia mundi
Omnia cum Domino dona redisse suo
3. Namque triumphanti post tristia tartara Christo
Undique fronde nemus gramina flore favent
4. Qui crucifixus erat Deus, ecce per omnia regnat
Dantque Creatori cuncta creata precem
5. Christe, salus rerum, bone Conditor atque Redemptor
Unica progenies ex Deitate Patris
6. Qui genus humanum cernens mersisse profundo
Ut hominem eriperes es quoque factus homo
7. Funeris exsequias pateris vitae auctor et orbis
Intras mortis iter dando salutis opem

Click here for an English translation.

This is one of the oldest hymns used by the Church, written by Venantius Fortunatus before 609 AD! Sublime, poetic, and beautiful, this hymn is considered extremely precious by the Church. She only makes use of it once a year, during the greatest feast of her liturgical year! Easter is indeed the greatest feast, even greater than Christmas. There is at least 40 days preparation for Easter, but only 4 weeks for Christmas. Furthermore, Our Lord was born in order to redeeem us -- so the feast celebrating his life's mission (the Redemption) must be the most important.

This sequence is often sung before the Day Mass of Easter Sunday.

This is found on the following CD(s): Chant Compendium 1.

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