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New Release! Chant Compendium 8 with beautiful Gregorian chant

Regina Caeli Jubila

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1. Regina caeli, jubila,
Gaude Maria!
Jam pulsa cedunt nubila,
Alleluia! Laetare, O Maria!

2. Quem digna terris gignere,
Gaude Maria!
Vivus resurgit funere,
Alleluia! Laetare, O Maria!

3. Sunt fracta mortis spicula,
Gaude Maria!
Jesu jacet mors subdita,
Alleluia! Laetare, O Maria!

4. Acerbitas solatium,
Gaude Maria!
Luctus redonat gaudium,
Alleluia! Laetare, O Maria!

Be Joyful, Mary - English translation of Regina Caeli Jubila
Regina Caeli Jubila
Fatima Prayers (that the angel gave to the 3 shepherd children)
In Fatima's Cove - Marian hymn
Immaculate Mary - Marian hymn
Bring Flowers of the Rarest - Marian hymn
Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above - Marian hymn

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