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New Release! Chant Compendium 8 with beautiful Gregorian chant

Miserator Dominus

Antiphon: Miserator Dominus escam dedit timentibus se in memoriam suorum mirabilium.

Psalm 110 - Confitebor Tibi
1. Confitebor tibi Domine in toto corde meo: * in consilio iustorum, et congregatione.
2. Magna opera Domini: * exquisita in omnes voluntates eius.
3. Confessio et magnificentia opus eius: * et iustitia eius manet in saeculum saeculi.
4. Memoriam fecit mirabilium suorum † misericors et miserator Dominus: * escam dedit timentibus se.
5. Memor erit in saeculum testamenti sui: * virtutem operum suorum annuntiabit populo suo
6. Ut det illis haereditatem gentium: * opera manuum eius veritas et iudicium.
7. Fidelia omnia mandata eius † confirmata in saeculum saeculi: * facta in veritate et aequitate.
8. Redemptionem misit populo suo: * mandavit in aeternum testamentum suum.
9. Sanctum et terribile nomen eius: * initium sapientiae timor Domini.
10. Intellectus bonus omnibus facientibus eum: * laudatio eius manet in saeculum saeculi.
11. Gloria Patri, et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto.
12. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula sæculorum. Amen.

Repeat Antiphon.

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This hymn pays homage to the infinite mercy of God. Indeed, God always gives good things to those who have the proper reverential fear of him, which is similar to the reverence a child has (or should have) for his father. It is not the morbid fear of a slave for his wicked master, or a child for his abusing father. It is rather a healthy fear of a creature for his infinitely powerful Creator, Who is also infinite Goodness. With this healthy fear in his soul, the just man will strive to avoid displeasing God, and will grow to love Him more and more.

The Psalm speaks on this issue as well, saying, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Indeed, Fear of the Lord is the lowest of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, while Wisdom is the highest. The higher gifts are not given without the lowest. Who can have the gift of Fortitude or Counsel, who has not the Fear of the Lord?

This is found on the following CD(s): Chant Compendium 4.

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