Lord Jesus When I Think of Thee
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1. Lord Jesus, when I think of Thee,
And look upon Thy cross aright,
Thy body stained with blood I see,
Lord, pierce my heart with that sad sight!
2. Jesus, true love I owe to Thee
Who on the cross didst show, that tide,
The crown of thorns, the sharp nails thee,
The cruel spear that pierced Thy side.
3. Jesus, love made Thy tears to fall,
'Twas love that made Thy blood to flow,
For love wast scourged and smitten all,
For love Thy life Thou didst forego.
4. Mary, I pray, as thou art free,
A part of this thy grief I'll bear,
That I may sorrow here with thee,
And bliss with thee hereafter share!
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