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Gregorian Chant CDs and Traditional Catholic Books!

Hail Virgin, dearest Mary

Hail Virgin, dearest Mary!
Our lovely Queen of May!
O spotless, blessed Lady,
Our lovely Queen of May.
Your children, humbly bending,
Surround your shrine so dear;
With heart and voice ascending,
Sweet Mary, hear our pray'r.

Behold earth's blossoms springing
In beauteous form and hue.
All nature gladly bringing
Her sweetest charms to you.
We'll gather fresh, bright flowers,
To bind our fair Queen's brow;
From pure and verdant bowers,
We haste to crown you now

Hail Virgin, dearest Mary!
Our lovely Queen of May!
O spotless, blessed Lady,
Our lovely Queen of May.
And now, our blessed Mother,
Smile on our festal day;
Accept our wreath of flowers,
And be our Queen of May

Fatima Prayers (that the angel gave to the 3 shepherd children)
In Fatima's Cove - Marian hymn
Immaculate Mary - Marian hymn
Bring Flowers of the Rarest - Marian hymn
Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above - Marian hymn
Queen of the Holy Rosary - Marian hymn
'Tis the Month of Our Mother - May crowning hymn
This is the Image of the Queen - May crowning hymn
Hail Virgin, Dearest Mary - May crowning hymn

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