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Christ The Word, To Earth Descended

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Christ the Word to earth descended,
Yet remained in heaven still;
When His earthly journey ended
He fulfilled the Father's will.

2. While the false disciple waited
To betray his Master's life,
Christ for men, tho' by men hated,
Gave in love the bread of life.

3. Under two-fold species given,
Flesh as bread and blood as wine,
He became a pledge of heaven:
Man partook of Life Divine.

4. Mighty Victim, earth's salvation,
Heaven's gates unfolding wide,
See, we cry in desolation:
Be our strength, be at our side.

5. To Thee, Godhead, three-fold essence,
Be unending praise and love;
Make us worthy of Thy presence
In our heav'nly home above.

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