Gregorian Chant Lyrics and English Translations
Printable Lyrics Sheets
Chant Compendium -
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 8
Chant Lyrics and Translations
Chant Compendium 1
Track # |
Title |
Sample |
Latin Lyrics |
English Translation |
1. |
Vidi Aquam |
Vidi aquam egredientem... |
I saw water coming forth... |
2. |
O Quam Glorifica |
O quam glorifica, luce coruscas... |
O how glorious art thou... |
3. |
Virgo Dei Genitrix |
Virgo Dei Genitrix, quem totus... |
O Virgin Mother of God... |
4. |
Salve Festa Dies |
Salve festa dies, toto venerabilis... |
Hail festal day, venerable ... |
5. |
Litany of St. Joseph |
Kyrie eleison, Christe Eleison... |
Lord have mercy on us... |
6. |
Benedictus Es |
Benedictus es Domine Deus... |
Blessed art Thou, the Lord God... |
7. |
Cor Arca Legem |
Cor, arca legem continens... |
O Heart, Thou ark containing... |
8. |
Regina Caeli |
Regina caeli laetare, alleluia... |
Queen of Heaven, rejoice... |
9. |
Victimae Paschali Laudes |
Victimae paschali laudes... |
May you praise the Paschal... |
10. |
Angelus (sung) |
Angelus Domini, nuntiavit Mariae... |
The angel of the Lord declared... |
11. |
Ubi Caritas et Amor |
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus... |
Where charity and love are,... |
12. |
Jesu Dulcis Memoria |
Jesu dulcis memoria, Dans... |
Jesus, the very thought... |
13. |
The Magnificat |
Magnificat anima mea Dominum... |
My soul doth magnify the Lord... |
14. |
Adoremus in Aeternum |
Adoremus in aeternum... |
We will adore for eternity... |
15. |
Ecce Panis Angelorum |
Ecce Panis Angelorum, factus... |
Behold the Bread of Angels... |
16. |
O Quam Suavis Est |
O quam suavis est, Domine... |
O how sweet, Lord, is Thy... |
17. |
Panis Angelicus |
Panis Angelicus, fit... |
Bread of Angels, made the... |
19. |
Sub Tuum Praesidium |
Sub tuum praesidium... |
We take refuge under thy... |
20. |
Ave Verum |
Ave Verum Corpus natum... |
Hail, true Body, born... |
21. |
Tantum Ergo |
Tantum Ergo Sacramentum... |
Down in adoration falling... |
22. |
Te Saeculorum Principem |
Te saeculorum Principem, Te... |
Thou, Prince of all ages, Thou... |
23. |
Vexilla Regis Prodeunt |
Vexilla Regis prodeunt: Fulget... |
Abroad the Regal Banners fly... |
24. |
Adoro Te Devote |
Adoro te devote, latens... |
Godhead here in hiding... |
26. |
Tantum Ergo |
Tantum Ergo Sacramentum... |
Down in adoration falling... |
27. |
Alma Redemptoris Mater |
Alma Redemptoris Mater, quae... |
Sweet Mother of the Redeemer... |
28. |
Ave Maris Stella |
Ave maris stella Dei Mater... |
Hail, bright star of ocean... |
29. |
Ave Maria |
Ave Maria, gratia plena... |
Hail Mary, full of grace... |
Chant Compendium 2
Track # |
Title |
Sample |
Lyrics |
Translation |
1. |
O Salutaris Hostia |
O Salutaris Hostia quae... |
O saving Victim, opening... |
2. |
Tantum Ergo |
Tantum Ergo Sacramentum... |
Down in adoration falling... |
3. |
Auctor Beate Saeculi |
Auctor Beate Saeculi, Christe... |
Jesus, Creator of the world... |
6. |
Vidi Aquam |
Vidi aquam egredientem... |
I saw water coming forth... |
7. |
Salve Regina |
Salve Regina, mater... |
Hail, holy Queen, Mother... |
8. |
Angelus (sung) |
Angelus Domini, nuntiavit... |
The angel of the Lord... |
9. |
Cor Arca Legem |
Cor, arca legem continens... |
O Heart, Thou ark containing... |
10. |
Te Deum Laudamus |
Te Deum laudamus: te Dominum... |
We praise Thee, O God: we... |
12. |
Adoremus in Aeternum |
Adoremus in aeternum... |
We will adore for eternity... |
14. |
Ave Verum |
Ave Verum Corpus natum... |
Hail, true Body, born... |
15. |
Benedictus Es |
Benedictus es Domine Deus... |
Blessed art Thou, the Lord God... |
20. |
O Quam Suavis Est |
O quam suavis est, Domine... |
O how sweet, Lord, is Thy... |
21. |
Panis Angelicus |
Panis Angelicus, fit... |
Bread of Angels, made the... |
22. |
Tantum Ergo |
Tantum Ergo Sacramentum... |
Down in adoration falling... |
23. |
O Quam Glorifica |
O quam glorifica, luce coruscas... |
O how glorious art thou... |
28. |
Litany of the B.V.M. |
Sancta Maria, Ora pro nobis... |
Holy Mary, pray for us... |
Chant Compendium 3
Chant Compendium 4
Is there a Chant Compendium track you can't wait to see on here? We do requests! Just send an e-mail to matthew [at] chantcd [dot] com.
Other Lyrics, Hymns and Prayers
Advent Hymns
Veni, Veni, Emmanuel
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Rorate Caeli Desuper - (Latin) - (English translation)
Creator Alme Siderum - (Latin) - (English translation)
Saviour of the Nations, Come
O Come, Divine Messiah
Veni, O Sapientia
Hark, A Herald Voice Is Calling
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
On Jordan's Bank
Catholic customs for Advent (including O Antiphons)
Christmas Carols and Hymns
Adeste Fideles
Angels We Have Heard on High
Auld Lang Syne
Behold a Simple, Tender Babe
Come to the Manger
Coventry Carol
Flos de Radice Jesse
From Starry Heav'n Descending
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
Good Christian Men, Rejoice
Good King Wenceslas
In Dulci Jubilo
Jesu Redemptor Omnium
Kings from the Orient
Let Christian Hearts Rejoice
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
O Bethlehem of Holy Worth
O Come, All Ye Faithful
O Come, Little Children
O Holy Night
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Noel Nouvelet
Of the Father's Heart Begotten
Puer Natus in Bethlehem
Resonet in Laudibus
Silent Night
Sleep, Holy Babe
Slumber, Dear Jesus
The First Noel
What Child is This? (Greensleeves)
What Star is This?
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Adoro Te O Panis Caelice
All Hail Adored Trinity
Benedictus Qui Venit
Christ The Word, To Earth Descended
Cogitationes - (English translation) - Introit from Mass of the Sacred Heart
Cor Dulce, Cor Amabile
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Glory Be To Jesus
God Of Mercy And Compassion
Great King of Kings
Hail, Jesus, Hail
Hail, True Victim
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name - Benediction Hymn
Thou Hope of All the Lowly
Jesu Deus
Jesu, Grant Me This
Jesus, Gentlest Savior
Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
Jesus, Thou Art Coming
O Bread Of Angels
O Esca Viatorum
O Jesu
O King Of Nations
O God Almighty Father - Hymn to the Trinity
O Jesus, In Thy Heart Divine
O Thou Immortal Holy Light
O Lord, I Am Not Worthy - Communion Hymn
Sanctify Me Wholly
Soul of My Savior
To Christ The Prince Of Peace
To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King - Procession Hymn
Verbum Supernum - by St. Thomas Aquinas (O Salutaris Hostia is taken from this hymn)
Blessed Virgin Mary
Be Joyful, Mary - English translation of Regina Caeli Jubila
Bring Flowers of the Rarest
Fatima Prayers that the angel gave to the 3 shepherd children
Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above
Hail Virgin, Dearest Mary
Immaculate Mary
In Fatima's Cove
O Mary of Graces
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother
Queen of the Holy Rosary
Regina Caeli Jubila
This is the Image of the Queen
'Tis the Month of Our Mother
Lent and Passiontide
Adoramus Te, Christe
Attende Domine - (English translation)
Audi, Benigne Conditor
Blessed Lamb
By the Blood That Flowed From Thee
All Glory, Laud and Honor
The Glory of These Forty Days
Gloria, Laus et Honor Tibi Sit
Hear Our Entreaties, Lord
Lord Jesus When I Think of Thee
O Come and Mourn
O Kind Creator
O Sacred Head, Surrounded
Parce Domine
Stabat Mater Dolorosa - used for Stations of the Cross (Latin) - (English) - (literal translation)
Christus Natus Est Nobis - (English translation) Invitatory from Matins on Christmas Eve
Dies Irae - Sequence from the traditional Requiem Mass
Lauda Sion Salvatorem - (English translation) Sequence from the Mass of Corpus Christi
Aeterne Rerum Conditor - (English translation) Lauds hymn from the Divine Office on Sunday
Mihi autem nimis - (English translation) Introit for the Mass of a Confessor
Ut Queant Laxis - Vespers hymn for the feast of St. John the Baptist (where the Do-Re-Mi notes came from!)
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today - Easter Hymn
Veni Creator Spiritus - (English translation) Pentecost hymn used for Confirmation and priestly ordinations
Veni Sancte Spiritus - (English translation) Ancient and beautiful Sequence for Pentecost
Pange Lingua Gloriosi - (English translation) From the feast of Corpus Christi (by St. Thomas Aquinas)